Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dooms Day!!

Recently, there are flash floods everywhere around KL. Especially around Puchong area where my office is nearby. Thought going back at 8pm there won't be any traffic as usual, but to my surprise that as i turn off to Kesas Highway. I was stuck in a big crawl, hear from the radio that there are massive traffic jam around KL area.

The next day when i went back to work, one of my colleague forward me an email titled 'KL yesterday afternoon'. The picture i saw was scary. It looks like dooms day, exactly like the sky is going to fall on us. Just thought that i would share the pics here. All 6 of the pictures are taken from the KLCC tower. They have quite a view up there.

4 ComplaintS:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! nice pics ler..

Melissa Tan said...

Yea, nice pics right? I like the pics where you can clearly see the dark clods drawing closer and nearer.

julieann said...

hey u using DSLR to take all da pics ah?? SO NICE ONE?!?!?!?!?! I WANNNNNNN!!! :D

Melissa Tan said...

You referring to my Bali pics is it? (I perasan pulak) No la, i am only using a mere simple digital camera. No money to buy DSLR camera la :P~

Next time i meet up with you and HoWah i'll bring along my Bali pics, Hehe!!!

The dark clouds pic not i take one, got it from forwarded mail, hehe