Went for a Walk-in Interview today at CIMB Bukit Tinggi today. It is for the Relationship Manager position, just trying my luck and i did not really prepare for that interview. I just want to get to know what that role could offer me.
A few months back i did get a call from a headhunter from People first Consulting firm, it is quite an established organization. I felt quite secure and convincing that it is not some sort of fraud. My brother did told me that some just want your details to keep update their database. I was given the opportunity to work at Singapore. I jumped at that opportunity but i was lacked with a paper qualification, bummer!
But that is how my job-seeking urges started. A call from this agent has jump-started my desire to look for something new, something better, something that will give me progression work wise and also knowledge too. I understand that it is not easy to find something exactly that i am doing right now. But there are always job that are some-what related to what i am doing now. I am leaving my options open not only to the Banking Industry (although it would be great to be still in this line) but I'm prepared to venture into International Trade or even Logistics.
It would be great that with my trade banking experience can allow me to further explore into banking sector like Investment Banking or Wealth Banking or Consumer Banking...Why not? Higher pay and doing something new and learn new things.
I also realize that when you don't want the job, the interview just went like a breeze. I really don't have pressure during that interview. It was like having a conversation with a new friend, i did not feel like i need to impress the interviewer, i was just being myself. I have never been so calm in an interview. I remember when i initially was looking for a job after graduating. I can feel the pressure and stress in each and every interview. You want to make sure you say the right thing, sit properly, good posture, make sure you don't unintentionally send out the wrong body language. Every movement will be judged.
My purpose was to get a copy of my updated CV to them. I also clearly told them that if they think i am not suitable for this role and if they have anything that is relevant to my current working background, feel free to give me a call. I don't mind a higher paying job and doing exactly what i am doing right now :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
First Step For A Change!
Crapping done by
Melissa Tan
4:16 PM
Labels: Craps
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I can Blog at Work!!!!!
Guess what???!!!??!???!??!
I just found out that i can log into my blog account at work!!!! I can Blog at work now!!!
I'm so so happy...Hehehe!!!
Initially cannot access this la cannot access that la. Then suddenly can access to Facebook because our director is using it and allow access. I guess now can access into blogspot maybe it's because my director has a Blog too???
Maybe la, sigh, my company very double standard la. What to do, have no power, then have no say lo.
Anyway, still happy!!!!
Crapping done by
Melissa Tan
11:24 AM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Boring Weekend indeed!
Sigh, it's a very boring day for me today. Whole day i have been lazing around at home. So bored that i am too lazy to even go out for a walk. My sister and mom wanted to go for a little stroll at Jusco Bukit Tinggi, initially i really felt like joining them, then after a while i decline their invitation. They were so angry that they need to literally drag me out of the house and into the car.
Sigh, what to do. Then i join them in the end. I told myself not to buy anything, because i have already spend too much this month. I don't even know what i have bought. Let me see, hmmm.. Last month, i was at Sunway Pyramid for a purpose to get specifically a purple colour handbag. Yes, i saw a purple colour bag from a blog and it is from nose. Went there and couldn't find the same design, i guess it was the old season. So i end up buying what?
Yup, a 2000 pieces of Jigsaw Puzzle. Can't buy a bag, get a jigsaw puzzle instead. Something i can fix on my lonely weekends at home. It's glow in the dark :)
I'm crazy, 2000 pieces, it will take me years to complete fixing it. The puzzle damn small you know.
Then last two weeks i at One Utama with both my cousin. My purpose there was also to find a purple bag. Yes, don't ask me about my obsession with purple coloured things. I just couldn't refrain myself from anything purple that i like. I end up buying this as a replacement for something that i couldn't get.
I have spent too much, i told myself again today not to buy anything. Must control your spending, must refrain from buying anything. Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! I cannot tahan la, somebody have to stop me. I bought these.
A slipper for only RM 19.90, i know..please kill me now
That's not the end ...i also bought a foundation from Body Shop. That one cost me RM 75.00. I'm telling myself. No more, no more Shopping!!!!!!!!!! Maybe like for a month only la.
Crapping done by
Melissa Tan
10:12 PM
Labels: Craps, Jusco Bukit Tinggi, Shopping
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wedding Woes!
Sigh..the only thing i am excited about is i am meeting up with all my other cousins and we plan to go out after that wedding. Karaoke perhaps?
Crapping done by
Melissa Tan
11:10 AM
1 ComplaintS
Labels: Craps
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lunch at iThai Cafe (Millennium Square)
Me and my colleagues have another big lunch gathering!! This time there are 7 of us, squeeze into Kenneth's Avanza. Since there weren't much to do at work and it is a public holiday today, there weren't much car on the road. so, we decided to drive over to PJ at Millennium Square for lunch.
Took us about 15 minutes to get there, it is a working day in Malaysia, i don't think we could reach there in 15 minutes. I've been there before with Canna and Hadrian one night after work. That time we were at Piccadilly. This time we had lunch at iThai Cafe, mix of Italian and Thai food.
The food pricing is quite reasonable, most importantly it taste great. Patrick asked us whether we want to sit inside the restaurant or we rather have the river view. Tetty quickly answered she wanted the river view. We were thinking, river in the middle of PJ? Then when we standing at the railing, aiya, it was just a big big longkang la, haha.
Everyone ordered this, total of 5 orders. This was highly recommended by Patrick.
The funny thing is, the waitress that took our order, is talking like those video that is played slow-motion. She wanted to tell us that they are only left with 2 footlongs. It took her like a minute to get the message across.
'sorr...reeee....(a long pause) we...on..nee have 2 foot longs left... cannnn youuu orrr..derrrr.. someee... things... else...'
Then we we like listening till our head tilt to one side. Before she can even finish we had figured out what she was trying to tell us midway..Haha!
Azian will hate us for this, because when we went to buffalo, she was fasting. Now, we went without her again because she is having her Raya Holiday. Haha!! Sorry Azian. We'll take you there next time OK?
Crapping done by
Melissa Tan
10:09 PM
Labels: Colleagues, Food
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cameron Trip
I have been a few road trips around Malaysia for this year. So that's why i didn't manage to go for an overseas trip this year. Cash out all my money on these road trips. What to do!! Obligation la, also spend family time together on a trip is also a great way to bond right? I still have my Malacca Road Trip, Penang Road Trip and my Weekend getaway in Genting entry pending. Will find time for that, for now, it is picture time for my short trip to Cameron Highlands! Yea, went to both Highlands already, To Fraser's hill then my Highland Trip will be complete! Haha!!
Went up to Cameron with my parents. Yea, I'm a daddy's girl. Most of my road trips are with my parents. This time i was forced to go down with them, because they don't want me to be at home alone. Yeah, excuses right. They know i will bring some guys home and have slumber party la.
This is the Annual Dinner my Dad's company organize. They even have a night stay at the Dahlia Apartments. It's a big family room where we get to share with another family. We reached there a bit late, so we only manage to get the small room for the 3 of us. I end up sleeping at the couch at night, poor me. But nothing to complain because it is given all for free.
After reaching putting our luggage, we head straight off to the restaurant for dinner.
We need to take a short 3 minutes walk to the actual restaurant. It is located behind a nursery, nice flowers blooming along the way.
Finally we reached the restaurant, very flora and fauna kind of feeling. Very peaceful and serene.
The whole event was so so only for me. The food sucks, all the food that they serve are vegetables. Konon la we are at Cameron, the greens there are fresh and cheap. I only remember one marmite chicken and the 6 of the remainder dishes were various vegetables, yucks!
Love purple flowers
Inside the nursery there's a small store that sells little souvenirs and candies
Winding road on our way down from Cameron. Would love to go visit Cameron again, but those winding road makes me think twice. All and all it was a great trip. Love all those picture i took, especially those taken at the Strawberry Farm. Hope you like the pictures too.
Crapping done by
Melissa Tan
6:24 PM
Labels: Events, Food, Travelling